Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We had a great day on Tuesday. We all met up at Mike's, where we talked about marketing and looked over the first 200 pages of edits. The book looks great, and we should be able to get going on it pretty soon! We also confirmed that we will be calling our production group (us three!) sHade Tree. I love it! We then went over to the Iowa City Library where we recorded an interview with UNESCO City of Literature that will be up on their website in October. After that, we went to Prairie Lights, where we confirmed that we will be having a premier party, streamed over the internet live, when our book comes out. Then we went to Haunted Book Store, where we set up a reading there. Then it was off to Buffalo Wild Wings, where we worked out some things for Books Two and Three. Super Awesome Stuff came out of that! The three of us really are at our best when we are together! After that, we split up, only to reconvene at Jed's house for a huge super bash with all the Petersons, all the Rileys, and almost all the Kooglers. After brats on the grill and an evening full of Halo we called it a night. On the whole it was really a fantastic day. Here are a few pictures I took with my phone, but we have others with a few different cameras that I'll upload soon.

Us with Jeanette after our Video Shoot for UNESCO!

Mike and Jaren checking out a great book at the Haunted Book Store!

In front of a sign saying "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword!" We hope that is true!

Hanging out in Mike's basement! Otherwise known as the Man Cave or the Writer's Pit! Some of our best ideas have emerged from here!

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