Friday, August 5, 2011

This Week

It has been a great week for the three of us working on Hade's Gambit, piecing together the next book in the series, and doing some marketing. Jaren and Jed both got their own twitter accounts, we set up this blog, and we worked on some short videos about the book. Thursday night we had a photo shoot with Jaren's wife Jessie taking tons of pictures. As we sort through them we'll get a few up on the web. We took one of us in a corn field that I absolutely love. You have to embrace being an Iowan! Here are a few more pictures from our day together on Tuesday. It was so much fun hanging out with the guys and it was nice to get a lot of stuff done in the process. Out!

After a long day we needed some Old School Halo Action to calm us down!

 Sometimes we need to resort to other, more controversial methods to arrive at consensus when working together. You can disagree with the method, but you can't disagree with the results!

Rileys, Kooglers and Petersons, oh my!

The Three Muskateers!  

One of about 20 tries at getting the picture above. You can tell we are authors, not super models!

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