Sunday, August 21, 2011

Missed Friday

So much for my promise to update the blog every Friday. Mike put some good stuff up, though, so that is awesome! I can't speak for the other guys, but right now I'm freaking out a bit about the book. You don't get that many chances in life to do something really amazing, and I feel that this book has the ability to be truly amazing, so I just want to make sure that a) it rocks, and that b) people read it. At this point I'm about 97.324 percent sure that the book is going to totally rock. I am actually rereading it now, and I keep thinking that the author of the book is really creative and that it is really a fantastic book, and then I remember that I am one of the authors! It is somewhat surreal, to be honest. I think it slows down in about three spots (and yes, two of those are chapters I was primarily responsible for, so no offense!!!), but I think we can get those tightened up pretty easily. We have the first 200 pages of edits back, and they look pretty good. We were a bit worried that the publisher and editor would say something like, "get rid of that Hade guy," or "why didn't you set the book at an elementary school," (LOL!) but it has been completely different. It is so so so self-esteem boosting to have people tell you that something you did was really good, and we are getting a lot of that already, so I'm not worried about the book being good at all, really.
So what do I worry about? I just want to make sure that people read it. I don't want the money or fame that would go with a bookseller (okay, that was a lie, but that isn't the primary reason for doing all of this.) I want to share something with the world. I want to give something to the world that people will enjoy, that will make them think deep thoughts, that might change their world just a little bit. So I really want our marketing to be successful enough to get the book into people's hands, and for people then to share it with their friends, and for those people to share it with their movie star friends who try to get the book made into a movie for us. Or something like that! So in the next few months be looking for more posts from me along the lines of this - extremely proud yet extremely nervous at the same time. I think once the book comes out I will be fine, until then...

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