Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday post

Another great week. We lost Jaren back to Colorado :( but good things are happening. Perhaps the most exciting news is that Mike knows someone at Heartland who's nephew is Ashton Kutcher (and I promise I didn't just make that up!) and she said that she was telling Ashton about our book and that he is interested in reading it and perhaps would even tweet about it. He only has 7 million followers (which equates to well, at least a few more followers than I have!), so that could change everything. If he loved it and wanted to help make it into a movie, well, that would change everything again. Yeah! We also spent time working on our marketing. Mike and I had a bit of a row over the length, style, content, well, just about everything, in the short animated clips we are making, but I think we got everything sorted now. That is kind of the dark underbelly of three people working on a project - there is NO way that all three of us can agree on everything - otherwise why even have three people working together? But we fight for what we care about, we let go of the things we really don't care about, as my dad used to say we cussed and discussed things, and in the end I think we are at a really good spot. Compromise and Consensus. I hung out a lot yesterday with my friend Jason who read the book and had tons of positives to say about it. He said parts of it were some of the best writing he had ever read, which made me happy. He is totally going to help us rock our web presence, so a huge shout out to Jason Jarbo! That is about it - but here are the links to the first two videos in our series. Enjoy!

Hade's Groupies Episode One

Hade's Groupies Episode Two

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