Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a week

Ok, so writing a book is a lot easier when it is just for fun and there is no pressure to have it be good or done at a specific time. We are working on book two right now (spoiler -it is connected to thefirstbook) and it is not easy. The first book is going to rock and we want the next one to be even better. So I've spent the week doing research on places in Africa and North America and reading ancient texts and thinking deep thoughts and not doing much writing and feeling guilty about it :) I wouldn't quite call it writers block, but the story is so complex and there is so much going on that it is easy to get sidetracked or distracted from just writing chapter 5, which is what I need to be writing. And then we have marketing stuff going on, which takes time, and then there is the rest of life. I am actually sitting outside a subway on my way to soccer games in muscatine. I should be home writing, but how can I miss my kids soccer games? So i am going to stop this post and try to get some writing done on the drive. Say what you will, it is an adventure!

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