Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Good Reads Book Giveaway Promotion

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Hade's Gambit by Michael Koogler

Hade's Gambit

by Michael Koogler

Giveaway ends September 09, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Here is a link for you to check out a promotion we are doing at Goodreads. We are giving away five, signed copies of our book ending on September 9th. Even if you have already purchased a copy of the book, feel free to sign up - if you win, you can give it to a friend as a present or donate it to a local library or even use it for household jobs. We are so proud of the book, we just wanted to share it with the world, and we thought this was a good way to do it. If you aren't on goodreads, check it out - it is a lot of fun and you'll find all sorts of great books to read - including Hade's Gambit!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Reading the book outloud (on the cheap)!

One of the fun things for me is finding new ways to get the book, or part of the book, out to the world. So, I'm trying to find a good way to record parts of the book (for now - eventually we want to do the entire book!). This is my first try - it is the prologue. I found an app on my ipad that allows me to record audio, then drop it into a dropbox, than upload it to itunes. Of course, somehow I can't figure out a way to make it just appear seamlessly, so what I'm including here is a link to a website with the prologue. It isn't fantastic, and it takes about a minute or so to download (so if you are trying this, wait for a bit for it to work), but it gives you a sense of the book and it is a good start. Unfortunately, one of the small problems with being a new author is knowing there is all sorts of cool things to do to help get the message out there, but also knowing that if you want to do something really well you have to pay. I did all of this for about 3 dollars for the app (dropbox and blogger are free!), so pretty economical. But the fact that it is pretty unwieldy and a bit staticy shows some of the limitations. Anyway, enjoy the prologue!
